

英会話表現集 め


I set the alarm to go off at 6 am.
but, It didn't go off this morning.
♠ go off で「目覚まし時計や警報機が鳴る。」「持ち逃げする。」「質が低下する。」などの意味があります。
go はある所へこちらから向かう。off はそこから離れていく。イメージが双方にあります。
I set an alarm for 7.
What time did you set your alarm for?
My alarm clock didn't go off this morning.

See for yourself.
I saw stars.
I got something in my eyes.
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
I can't believe my eyes.
It was so scary I couldn't open my eyes.
His speech made the scales fall from my eyes.
♠「the scales fall from my eyes」で「目から鱗が落ちる」になります。
My eyesight is (getting worse/deteriorated).
You must rinse your eyes after swimming.
The white of your right eye is red.
She (lost her eyes/went blind).
I am afraid of the public eye.
He feels dizzy when he climb up to high places.
Smoke from the fire made my eyes smart.
♠「one's eyes smart」で「目に沁みる」「目が痛くなる」
My daughter is the apple of my eye.
He hates the very sight of me.
I will overlook her faults.
I have itchy, red and watery eyes.
The balloon might get blurry or clear, but just ignore it and try to look straight ahead.
Please put your chin and your forehead on the support to keep your head steady.
and open your eyes for a while.
Please wear these special glasses for the test.
Try to show me with your finger where the hole in the ring.
pink eye/conjunctivitis---結膜炎
black eye---目の回りの黒あざ
dry eye---ドライアイ
distorted vision/astigmatism---乱視
retinal detachment---網膜剥離


You are being a nuisance. Stop it.
Did I do anything to bother you? What did I do to you?
I'm bothering from junk e-mail every day.
That's starting to get annoying.
That's getting to be a nuisance.
Thank you for nothing!
I am sorry to cause you inconvenience.
Please accept our deepest apology for any inconvenience.
I'm sorry for troubling you.
You have got me into trouble.
She was a nuisance to her office.


I have an irritated eye.

Her eyes are bloodshot.
♠「bloodshot」 には充血した,血走ったという意味があります。
充血した目には「inflamed eyes」「bloodshot eyes」「red-eye」があります。
If you scratch your eyes, you'll get red/bloodshot eyes.
I have a hay fever.---花粉症です。
I have a runny nose.---鼻水が出る。
I have a stuffy nose ---鼻が詰まっている。
I have itchy, red and watery eyes.---目が痒くて、赤いし涙目になってる。
I have an itchy throat.---喉が痒い

-ま行, 50音別英会話集

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